Useless inventions (an ever-growing list of fun things to think about)

I have an obsession with useless inventions. These are products that are so pointless that;

  1. Nobody would ever want to have them

  2. They actively decrease quality of life

Here’s a list of what I’m thinking of:

  • A spinning pole for pole dancers that acts as a screw so the pole gets shorter when you spin in one direction and longer when you spin in the other direction

  • A motion-activated tap where the motion sensor is on top of the tap

  • A corkscrew that drills a hole so you can pour wine through the mangled cork instead of pulling the cork out

  • A water bottle that spills out water if you don’t drink enough of it by a certain amount of time (to encourage people to stay hydrated)

  • A dog harness that goes around the dog’s back legs instead of its front legs

  • Connect the dots: rope edition! A pack of foot-long rope segments. If you want something longer, you’ll have to tie the segments together

  • A martini glass with a spin-top base

  • A very sticky laptop cover in case you want to stick your notes onto your laptop

  • A dress with pockets at the hem and not by the hip

  • A shower cap made from thin rice paper

  • A mug intended for very hot drinks with a handle that goes inwards

  • A double sided ice cube tray

  • A fur lined toilet bowl

  • An emergency street crossing button that instantly gives incoming traffic a red light when pressed

  • A wallet shaped like a cube

  • A bagpipe-esque soda cup with two valved straws so one person has to blow into a straw for another person to be able to drink out of the cup

  • A syringe needle that expands like a drywall screw anchor

  • A treadmill with a rocky belt to simulate off track running

  • A pencil with a wooden core and a graphite exterior

  • A heat deactivating vibrator

  • A coaster for hot pots and pans with a heat conducting metal center

  • A squeegee with a scalloped edge

  • A bundt cake tin shaped rice cooker bowl

  • A chopstick with rose-thorn like protrusions down its side

  • A 2-in-1 tool that is both a speculum and a pepper grinder

  • A one-piece puzzle

  • Toilet paper that is sticky on one side

  • Toilet paper that is sticky on both sides

Last updated 1/2/2024